Waking Coma

This is a severe brain injury in which the function of the cerebrum is severely impaired, partially failed or even completely extinguished. Therefore, it is also called apallic syndrome (“without cerebral cortex”). Vital functions are maintained by the brainstem, as they normally would be, but patients do not regain consciousness due to a lack of cognitive functions. As a result, the affected person is awake, but cannot make any contact with the environment (neither actively nor passively). Technically speaking, the persistent vegetative state (PVS) is the technical term for this condition. As long as the cerebrum is not too badly damaged, coma patients have a good prognosis of waking up again. This is reported again and again all over the world. However, the period of time can vary greatly – as is also the case with ordinary comas: From a few days to several years. The process can be considerably supported by appropriate rehabilitation measures, especially if the affected person already shows signs of recovery from the coma.

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