
Respiration is used when spontaneous breathing fails (apnea) or becomes insufficient. This can occur in

  • narcosis,
  • in poisoning,
  • circulatory arrest,
  • neurological disease or head injury,
  • due to spinal cord lesions or the effects of drugs.
  • A number of pulmonary diseases or thoracic injuries, as well as cardiac disease, shock, and sepsis, may also require ventilation.
  • Depending on the clinical situation, ventilation may continue for a few minutes or for months.
  • While return to spontaneous breathing is rarely a problem during routine anesthesia, weaning (so-called weaning) of an ICU patient after prolonged ventilation is a difficult process that can take days or weeks.
  • When the respiratory muscles are paralyzed
  • Some patients with severe brain damage, spinal cord injury or neurological disease do not regain the ability to breathe spontaneously and therefore require continuous ventilation (home mechanical ventilation).
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